About The Curse of Dimensionality

The Curse of Dimensionality is a 3D puzzle game with a unique worldview. The player can only see a 2D slice of the level, and they can move the camera to change which 2 axes are used to show the level. With this twist, the player has to navigate through each level to reach the end, indicated by yellow particles, and a special proximity sound effect.

The game contains 6 levels in total, with various difficulties.

You can play the game in the browser, but we recommend downloading the Windows version for better visuals and overall experience.

Created by Anna Győrffy, Jędrzej Głowaczewski,  and Roland Krisztandl for the GMTK Game Jam 2024.


  • A/D - Move the player
  • Arrows - Move the camera, aka switch axes
  • ESC - Pause

Background designed by Freepik.


TheCurseOfDim_Windows.zip 71 MB

Install instructions

The Game can be played in the Browser via WebGL.

We recommend downloading a Windows version for a better experience and visuals. After downloading unzip the files into a folder and start the "The Curse of Dimensionality.exe" file.


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